Chapter 5 Page 56


Chapter 5 is over! FINALLY. I'll be having some bonus stuff posted during the short break I'm going to take, but we'll be back on October 26th (my birthday 8O) with Chapter 6: Vanity Fair. In the meantime, on Monday, I'll be posting some guest art!

Want to help support this comic? You can chip into my Patreon! I'll be hosting a stream on Saturday during 24 hour comic day for patrons, where I'll be working on chapter 6. Sadly I will not be participating in 24 hour day proper, because I have a part time job to go to on Sunday. But if you want a sneak peak at chapter 6, that's the place to catch it. You can also keep up to date with my schedule and quality content on my Twitter!

See you on Monday! 

Chapter 5 Page 48


Rose City Comic Con starts tomorrow! I'm at table A-04 in the artist alley if you want to come say hello or buy something. Portland's had some wildfire trouble recently so if you're going to Rose City, please be careful outside! The air quality shouldn't be terrible tomorrow, but if you have asthma or breathing trouble, keep your inhaler on you just in case. See you at the show!