Chapter 7 Page 26


So what’s a buccaneer heiress?
A buccaneer heiress, or dollar princess, was the nickname given to guilded age American heiresses who jumped across the ocean in search of titled marriages in the UK. With their money and easy charm and notoriety, they were called buccaneers for their propensity to snatch husbands out from under the noses of the cash strapped ladies of the gentry.

Chapter 7 Page 23


We’re almost 50% funded on Kickstarter!

If you want a book you have until 8 AM PST on October 31st to back! If you haven’t used Kickstarter before- it’s basically a streamlined preorder system. You decide what kind of rewards tier you want- just a book, just a pdf, a book and some extra stuff- and then you’re not charged unless the Kickstarter completes having raised the number of asked-for funds. In this case, being $11000!

Please back and share- or if you can only share right now, I would really appreciate it! The sooner we’re funded, the sooner the mysterious Kickstarter algorithm will notice me and better boost the campaign. Remember- if this book doesn’t fund, then there will not be a book for you to buy later! It’s make or break time, and I’ll see you on Monday!

Chapter 7 Page 22


We’re over 40% funded on Kickstarter!

If you want a book you have until 8 AM PST on October 31st to back! If you haven’t used Kickstarter before- it’s basically a streamlined preorder system. You decide what kind of rewards tier you want- just a book, just a pdf, a book and some extra stuff- and then you’re not charged unless the Kickstarter completes having raised the number of asked-for funds. In this case, being $11000!

Please back and share- or if you can only share right now, I would really appreciate it! The sooner we’re funded, the sooner the mysterious Kickstarter algorithm will notice me and better boost the campaign. Remember- if this book doesn’t fund, then there will not be a book for you to buy later! It’s make or break time, and I’ll see you on Thursday!

Chapter 7 Page 21


We’re over a 30% funded on Kickstarter!

If you want a book you have until 8 AM PST on October 31st to back! If you haven’t used Kickstarter before- it’s basically a streamlined preorder system. You decide what kind of rewards tier you want- just a book, just a pdf, a book and some extra stuff- and then you’re not charged unless the Kickstarter completes having raised the number of asked-for funds. In this case, being $11000!

Please back and share- or if you can only share right now, I would really appreciate it! The sooner we’re funded, the sooner the mysterious Kickstarter algorithm will notice me and better boost the campaign. Remember- if this book doesn’t fund, then there will not be a book for you to buy later! It’s make or break time, and I’ll see you on Thursday!