Chapter 4 Page 20

HEY! I'm going to be at Steamposium Seattle this weekend, so COME AND SEE ME! Buy my books! (I have so many books to sell please take them away from me) 

Though it's a bit early chronologically, Abhaya and Elizabeth's father Edward Watson was based heavily on real life Edwardian explorer Percy Fawcett who vanished in the 1920s while searching for the mysterious city called "Z". If you ever feel like looking him up, his story is a fascinating one and his disappearance is still a mystery to this day!

Chapter 4 Page 17

Speaking of let's go, LET'S GO TO ROSE CITY COMIC CON THIS WEEKEND! I'm going to be at Rose City Comic Con this Saturday and Sunday! I'm at table R-07 with books INCLUDING ISSUE 3 and my table name is Caitlin and Danielle. Come say hi! I'd be happy to draw you a thing in a book or talk spoilers or just come say hi! This is my second to last show for this con season so don't miss it if you're in Portland Oregon this weekend. 

See you on Monday!!